National Risk Assessment
The NRA sets out the key money laundering and terrorist financing risks for the UK, how these have changed since the UK’s second NRA was published in 2017, and the action taken since 2017 to address these risks.
The 2020 national risk assessment (NRA) is the third comprehensive assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing risk in the UK.
National Proliferation Financing Risk Assessment
The NRA, published by HM Treasury using evidence from government and non-government partners, sets out the key proliferation financing risks and vulnerabilities in the UK.
Sectoral Risk Assessments
Legal Sector Risk Assessments
The UK Government periodically undertakes a National Risk Assessment pulling together risk-based information from all sectors in scope of the AML requirements, law enforcement and other sources. Drawing on this and in order to fulfil duties under Regulation 17 of The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (as amended) (the regulations), Solicitors Regulation Authority also produces a risk assessment of the legal sector. This is in order to help firms better estimate the risks they are exposed to.
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