Applies to: Risk Assessment Platform
Audience: Company Admins
When creating company content, such as risk models or methodologies, in what order should they be created and what are the dependencies between them?
You can create a complete set of company content or use a mix of global and company content; for example, a company risk model that is dependent on the global domain, methodology, and answer sets.
When considering creating company content, you should also consider the dependent content that will need to be created; for example, if you are creating a company methodology you will then also need to create answer sets, risk models, and a country risk model based on that methodology as they are dependent on it.
The order in which you create the content is also important. For example, in the scenario above, because the answer set is dependent on the methodology, you must create the methodology before the answer set, so that when creating the answer set you can specify which methodology it uses.
Content Creation Order
Automatic Models
Manual Models
Methodology dependents:
- Answer Sets (automatic model only)
- Risk Models (automatic model only)
- Country Risk Models
Domain dependents:
- Control Categories
- Controls Library
- Supporting Document Templates
Answer Set dependents:
- Risk Models
Control Category dependents:
- Control Library
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