Platform: Risk Assessment Platform
Applies to: Super Admin and Company Admin Users
The purpose of this feature is to maintain a master library of controls for each Domain and Control Category (i.e., control sets).
Controls can be added to Assessment Units that are for the same Domain.
The main components on the header of this page are:
- Global - list of out of the box/purchased country risk models
- Company - list of country risk models created by a company
- Search – enter search text
- Bulk Update – update multiple records at one time
- Add control (+) – add a control row
- Export CSV import template – downloads a blank starting template to create a CSV import
- Export / Import Controls - export controls or import controls from a CSV file*
Note: At the point of importing, the application runs validation to ensure the file/data format is correct and virus free. The import is case-sensitive.
The main components in the table are:
- Name – unique name of the control
- Domain - domain related to the control
- Category - unique name for the control category (i.e. group of controls)
- Type – the type of control: Preventative, Detective, Corrective
- Test - description of the usual tests conducted to evaluate the performance
- Suggested Evidence - description of the usual evidence that supports the control performance evaluation
- Status – the status of the control: Published or Archived
- Actions
- Super Admin can add, import, view, edit, copy or archive/delete Global Controls but can only view Company Controls.
- Company Admin can add, import, view, edit, copy or archive/delete Company Controls but only view Global Country Risk Models.
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