Platform: Risk Assessment
Applies to: Super Admin and Company Admin Users
Country risk is the assessment of a country’s or jurisdiction’s vulnerability to the relevant risks being assessed. The purpose of this feature is to create a country risk model that defines the Default Risk Rating for countries and territories (which can be amended during the assessment by End-Users as required).
The country risk is assessed during the context of the risk assessment across the following risk factors:
- In what countries does the business use third-party distributors or agents?
- In what countries are the business' customers based?
- In what countries does the business operate
View Country Risk Models
Users with appropriate permissions can view Country Risk Models in App Setup > Country Risk Model.
The main components on the header of this page are:
- Global tab - list of out-of-the-box/purchased country risk models
- Company tab - list of country risk models created by a company
- Search – enter search text
- Bulk Update – update multiple records at one time
- Export CSV import template – downloads a blank starting template to create a CSV import
- New Country Risk Model - create a new country risk model
The main components in the table are:
- Name - unique name of the Country Risk Model
- Description - optional
- Methodology - the methodology used by the country risk model
- Status - In Progress, Published, Archived
Note: To see archived items, open the filter and select Archived. - Start Date - date created
- Publish Date - date published
- Actions
- Super Admin can view, edit or archive a published Global Country Risk Model, and resume or delete an in-progress Global Country Risk Model, but can only view Company Country Risk Models.
- Company Admin can view, edit or archive a published Company Country Risk Model , resume or delete an in-progress Company Country Risk Model, but only view Global Country Risk Models.
Use the search and filter options on the table to filter your results.
Create a New Country Risk Model
To create a new country risk model, press the New Country Risk Model button. A popup window appears.
Complete the details:
- Select a methodology on which to base the country ratings.
- Enter a unique name for the country risk model. And a description (optional).
- In the Start From dropdown, select:
- New - to start from a blank template that has no countries listed; or
- Import - to import the countries and ratings from a CSV file (see Creating a Country Risk Model by Importing from CSV); or
- Another country risk model - select an existing country risk model to copy from. Use the Show Archived checkbox to list archived country risk models.
Note: when copying from a country risk model based on a different methodology, the ratings are not copied and must be manually selected for each country.
Press the Create button.
The Country Risk Model Details screen will display, which contains the following columns:
- Region
- Country
- Default Risk Rating
Complete the details. Each row must have a region, country and rating.
Press the Publish button when done.
Note: Only the regions and countries shown in the dropdowns are available. At this time, you cannot add your own region and country.
Create a Country Risk Model using the CSV import file
This feature allows the import of a country risk model into the application from a CSV file.
Use this method if you want to create the country risk model from a CSV file.
- Use the "Download Country Risk Model Import File Format" () button to download a blank CSV import file.
- Follow the instructions below to configure the CSV import file. Save the file.
- Follow the steps in the chapter above: Create a New Country Risk Model
- In the Start From field, select Import, press Choose File and select the file created in Step 2.
- Select the Publish checkbox if you want the answer sets to be automatically published.
- Press the Create button.
- If the file has been imported successfully, the new country risk model will be added to the table.
- Open the risk model. Modify the contents if needed.
- Publish when ready.
Import errors/warnings are displayed to assist with correcting the data and performing a successful import. Virus scanning is performed on import to prevent virus-infected files from being uploaded.
Configuring the CSV Import File
Use the "Download Risk Model Import File Format" () button to download a blank CSV import file.
This file contains all countries and regions available in the platform.
Add ratings to each country to be included in the Country Risk Model.
Note: Ensure the ratings exactly match the chosen methodology for the country risk model.
To exclude countries, delete the entire row or leave the Rating column blank.
Save the file.
Refer to the chapter above to Create a Country Risk Model using the CSV import file.
Important: Do not add, edit or re-order the columns. Do not change the column headings. Do not change the file type. Doing so will cause the import to fail.
Go to Risk Analysis to see how the country risk model applies to the risk assessment.
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