The Audit History page keeps track of all draft, finalised and in-progress Health Checks and allows access to static and drillable reports and associated operational dashboards at any given point in time.
The top-line shows final PDF Health Checks reports and earlier drafts can be viewed or hidden by clicking the + or – icons.
The ‘Options’ column provides the ability to view the following outputs (from left to right):
- Audit checklist (Online)
- Business objective (Online)
- Item Status dashboard (Online)
- Summary report (dynamic) (Online)
- Detailed Assessment report (Online)
- CSV export for :
- Obligations with Policy References
- Obligations with Key Findings
- Obligations with Controls
- Summary Report (PDF)
- Master record file
Any in progress Health Check can also be resumed clicking the arrow icon.
My Open Items
The panel on the right hand side of the homepage contains a summary of the items (issues, actions and risks) that have been assigned to the logged in user, which can be sorted by item type, item ID and due date.
Clicking on the item ID reveals the details of the item, where a resolution comment can be added to update the status of the item.
For ease of reference, the item has a ‘tool tip’ which if clicked reveals the full description of the issue and the number of days that the item is overdue.
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