Applies to: Health Check
Getting started is as easy as ready, steady, go!
The Audit page is the landing page for the Anti-Bribery Health Check and contains a summary of all in-progress and competed health check assessments.
Creating a new Anti-Bribery Health Check
Creating a new Anti-Bribery Health Check is very easy - simply give the Anti-Bribery Health Check a name, select the country and the type of assessment to be performed and the appropriate Anti-Bribery compliance template will be loaded.
Add Anti-Bribery Health Check Information
Next provide the details of the person performing the Anti-Bribery Health Check including their name, company name, position/title, and contact details, as well as, the period for which the Anti-Bribery Health Check applies, then hit the Next button.
Add Additional Information
This screen allows users to provide further context behind the Anti-Bribery Health Check for example:
- Pre-fill from an existing assessment - the additional information can be populated from a previously created assessment (if applicable)
- General comments – for example a description of the process for maintaining / re-performing the Health Check
- Business objectives - define the business objectives in relation to the Anti-Bribery Compliance Program
- Business profile – nature, size and complexity of business (e.g. products, jurisdictions, number of employees, specific laws etc.)
- Key lines of business – key lines of business considered during the Health Check (these can also be uploaded)
- Next Anti-Bribery Health Check review date – the date when the Anti-Bribery Health Check will be repeated (e.g. annually or more frequently)
The content of this screen end up in the final Anti-Bribery Health Check Report, but is optional and can be skipped, taking the user to the Audit Checklist screen.
Create / Select Audit Checklist

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