Applies to: Health Check
Anti-Bribery Program Manual Dashboard
The Anti-Bribery Program Manual Audit History page contains all in-progress and completed Anti-Bribery Program Manuals which have been published as PDFs and provides a full audit history of the Anti-Bribery Program Manual that was in existence at any particular point in time.
Create the Anti-Bribery Program Manual from a template
Creating a new Anti-Bribery Program Manual is quick and easy. This can be created in one of 3 ways:
- From a previous version of the Anti-Bribery Program Manual
- From the default Anti-Bribery Program Manual template
- From a Blank Document
The Anti-Bribery Program Manual template is a pre-built document with all of the sections that are typically found within an Anti-Bribery Program Manual and comes with detailed guidance and advice about the things that need to be considered for every Anti-Bribery requirement which can then be tailored by the organisation to suit.
The Anti-Bribery Program Manual provides a structured approach to drafting this document and for ensuring appropriate levels of thought are given to the development of this important cornerstone towards Anti-Bribery compliance.
Document Approvers and Related Documents
This section of the Anti-Bribery Program Manual creation process is to define the document reviewers and approvers, as well as, linking in any related documents that should be referenced when reading the Anti-Bribery Program Manual.
Create and Publish the Anti-Bribery Program Manual
This is the main screen for the Anti-Bribery Program Manual and sets out all of the chapter and sub-chapter headings that are typically found in an Anti-Bribery Program Manual and contains detailed guidance on the type of content that should be contemplated for each section, which is intended to be used as a starting point for each organisation to review and tailor as appropriate.
The sections of the Anti-Bribery Program Manual can be re-ordered, deleted or modified and the contents of each section can be reviewed and over-written, saving you time and money.
Once the Anti-Bribery Program Manual has been completed this can be published which creates a PDF version of the Anti-Bribery Program Manual and stores this in the Anti-Briber Program Manual Audit History page.
Document Glossary and Appendices
This section of the Anti-Bribery Program Manual is for adding a glossary of key terms and definitions and appendices to be read alongside the Anti-Bribery Program Manual.
In addition, a Jurisdiction Risk table has been added to summarise the Country / Territory Risk Assessment outcomes.
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