Getting started is as easy as ready, steady, go!
The Audit history page is the landing page for the Health Check and contains a summary of all in-progress and competed Health Check assessments.
Creating a new Health Check
Creating a new Health Check is very easy - simply give it a name, select the obligation template to perform the assessment against, set a default owner for items (issues, actions and risks), select the industry sector and if required, prefill from an existing assessment.
Next provide the details of the person performing the Health Check including their name, company name, position/title, and contact details, as well as, the period for which the Health Check applies, then hit the Next button.
On every page there is a navigation bar provided at the top of the page.
Assessment Context
This screen allows further context to be provided for example:
- Pre-fill from an existing assessment - the context information can be populated from a previously created assessment (if applicable)
- General comments – for example a description of the process for maintaining / re-performing the Health Check
- Business objectives - define the business objectives in relation to the Health Check.
- Business profile – nature, size and complexity of business (e.g. products, jurisdictions, number of employees, specific laws etc.)
- Key lines of business – key lines of business considered during the Health Check (these can also be uploaded)
- Next Health Check review date – the date when the Health Check will be repeated (e.g. annually or more frequently)
The context details in the final Health Check Report are optional. The next step once you have completed the context is to:
Create / Select Audit Checklist
When commencing new Health Check, you can choose to select either:
- The default audit checklist; or
- a previously created audit checklist; or
- start a new audit checklist.
The audit checklist forms a key part of the document discovery process and is typically defined at the outset as part of initial configuration activities.
You can also:
- Edit and Re-order the Audit Checklist items
- Upload or invite others to upload Audit Checklist documents
- Set up notifications when documents are uploaded (refer Notification Management)
For more information refer to the Audit Checklist Management section.
The Workflow helps to keep track of where an independent review is at, ideal for larger style engagements with multiple business lines being assessed by multiple consultants.
This page contains two functions, the Workflow Summary of the status of obligations across the Health Check and Update Assignee/Approver to assign obligations to specific individuals to assess.
Workflow summary page summarises the state of completeness of different obligations being assessed by the obligation assignee/approver.
Update Assignee/Approver page allows you to assign obligations to be assessed to different team members to spread and manage the workload across teams of auditors.
Main Assessment
The main assessment screen is at the heart of the Health Check and is the primary place where your organisation’s compliance risk of the obligations is assessed.
After completing the assessment of each obligation you can create a draft report or finalise the Health Check report and publish the findings as a final artefact of the independent review that has been completed.
For more information refer to Main Assessment section.
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