We recognise that different organisations have different compliance frameworks and may want from the outset to change the compliance rating scale, that is the means by which an assessment is made to determine whether the compliance obligation is being met based on the assessors assessment of all of the factors presented or control tests performed during the independent review process.
To enable this we developed a custom rating scale, whereby organisation's can change the rating scale (within the pre-defined 5-level scale) to suit their requirements which is a global parameter change, which means that the rating scale will apply to ALL assessments. In other words, you cannot have different rating scales for different assessments.
It is important that you understand the implication of modifying this setting, since it has significant implications for dashboards, main assessment screen, dashboards and data analyser functions. In addition, changes to the rating scale when existing in-progress assessments have not been finalised, will change the rating scale and likely compromise the veracity of these assessments.
Further, once the rating scale has been changed, the data analyser re-sets from that point using the new rating scale and old assessments will not be available for comparison, essentially because the rating scales from old assessments to new assessments could simply not be comparable.
If you are unsure of the implications, please contact us to discuss this prior to applying this change.
We advise that you either:
- Use the out-of-the-box rating scale unchanged
- Change the rating BEFORE starting ANY assessments
- If you must change the rating scale after assessments have been started we recommend finalising any in-flight assessments first to preserve the integrity of these and then be aware that previous assessments from a data analyser and dashboard perspectives will not be included.
What is Rating Management?
This feature has been designed to allow organisations to either use the default compliance rating status values and descriptions or universally change these to different values, which are then reflected throughout the Health Check platform.
How do I create my own custom rating scale?
Configuring the rating scale is relatively straight-forward but does have several limitations and implications that it is important to understand before applying this change.
Select the Custom Rating Scale, using the toggle button which will enable the fields on the right hand side.
Next, define a rating name, a description (we recommend these are short and succinct) and select a rating colour from the palette before saving.
It is strongly recommended that the sliding scale goes from top to bottom, with the most favourable ratings first.
What effect will changing the custom rating scale have?
There are a number of places where the custom rating scale change takes effect:
- Audit History Page
The key at the top of the audit history page depicts the current custom rating scale.
- Main Assessment Page
The rating field on the main assessment page is the primary place in the Health Check where the assessment of compliance is made and is changed here (hence the need for short titles).
- Reports
Once reports have been generated, included is an overall summary of the rating assessment across all obligations which is changed here.
- Data Analyser
The data analyser reports are ONLY available for finalised assessments that have been snapshotted in the Health Check. The latest rating scale is used here and ONLY the latest rating scale is present (to minimise data integrity compromises comparing assessments, which themselves have been assessed using two, potentially very different rating scales.
- Dashboards
The Health Check contains the following dashboards that rely on compliance rating:
- Policy Name by Rating
- Policy Group Owner by Rating
- Policy Owner by Rating
- Control Summary
Like the data analyser reports these will use only the latest rating scale.
This is a global parameter change that is not reversible and is strongly recommended ONLY to apply the rating scale prior to commencing any assessments as changing the rating scale, when there are previously created assessments will mean previous assessments using a prior rating scale will not appear in the data analyser reporting from that point forward.
If the organisation has started one or more open/in-progress assessments (i.e. they are in-flight) it is strongly recommended that these are all fully completed PRIOR to changing the rating scale as not doing so WILL cause the rating scale to change for all rating values (including ones that have been previously assessed).
Health Checks that have already been finalised with a previous rating scale, will no longer be used by the data analyser reports once the new rating scale comes into effect.
Please proceed with the rating scale change ONLY if you understand the impact of this change. If you have any questions about this please contact support@arctic-intelligence.com before applying this change as once applied it is not reversible.
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